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Nat Turner Podcast

The Nat Turner podcast allows you to experience the famous revolt like never before. Through the intimate power of audio drama you will enter the minds of those involved in the gruesome rebellion against slavery.

Mar 1, 2018

Hollywood and literature have never done justice to the true story of Nat Turner's slave revolt. This gruesome story is often whitewashed in an attempt to make it more palatable to a broad audience. But not this time! Through the means of Audio Drama the real story of Nat Turner can finally be told. 

Andrew Jackson, a...

Mar 1, 2018

The Nat Turner Podcast was the result of a time traveling microphone sent back to 1831, Southampton County Virginia, set to record absolutely everything without judgement and without censorship. Can you handle it?

Josh Harraway uses the techniques of 20th century Audio Drama, sound effects and dialogue, to tell the 19th...